Beauty, as one the twelve values for Design For One Earth is defined as “an intrinsic part of nature and humanity. It is a basic human need and not a luxury or elitist concept. Promote beauty in the built environment and provide for a connection to nature and natural beauty.”
There is no arguing that the focus world over has made a significant shift towards Sustainability in the built environment. At this point it becomes all the more imperative that softer values such as Beauty be intrinsic to the dialogue of Sustainability.
Our Design for One Earth Roundtable during RNL’s 2009 Green Week focused on Beauty. The goal of the roundtable was to explore the meaning and purpose of beauty; its manifestation in the built environment; why and how is it an important part of sustainability. Each of the participants was asked to pick from six famous quotes on Beauty and bring an object or an image that best represents beauty within the framework of the quote. While we kept going back to the idea that “Beauty is subjective” and essentially lies in the eyes of the beholder, a few key observations were made:
- It doesn’t matter how one interprets it – beauty is still core to each individual’s goals. If this premise were to be applied to a project it would be as simple as stating: Every stakeholder in a building project may have a different interpretation of what beauty means to them – but each wants the building to be beautiful.
- Beauty transcends beyond the visual – and is often expressed as a feeling, an emotion that is spurred – again translating this to the built environment it could be interpreted as a dramatic space that generates a strong emotion or a daylight built space that connects one seamlessly to the outdoors, generating a feeling of beauty.
It is imperative that as we are rapidly progressing into the systems thinking approach to design that we bring along with us all the values associated with aesthetics and beauty as strongly as of energy and resources. A few days ago, prior to the launch of Design for One Earth, I was asked the question, “Beauty and sustainability – how are they related?” To me, the question really is, “how can they be separated?”
Sustainability and Beauty are both an integral part of design and problem solving. We may look to nature to create a beautiful sustainable solution or strive to create a solution that brings us closer to nature!